So Long, San Francisco: The Hot Alien Migrates North

Krissy in San Francisco
Photo by Jessica Buckner-Knai

Today, I’m heading out. Leaving the San Francisco Bay Area. Hasta la vista, baby.

I don’t know exactly where I’ll end up, but I’m getting the hell out of California. Or rather, getting out of this fiery California hell. 

Surprised? Don’t be. It’s been a long time coming. The alarm clock has been going off for years telling me to wake up and get moving, but I’ve been hitting the sleep button. Chasing dreams.

The reality is that unlike Tony Bennett, my heart left San Francisco a long time ago.

But I’m ready to find it again.

Something tells me it’s hanging out somewhere colder, where the artists still thrive along with big, hairy cryptids.

You can find more details on the why of my move in The Bold Italic’s latest piece showcasing the departures of many disenchanted Bay Areans (scroll down to find my story at the bottom). The exact where of my move, however, remains to be discovered.

Stay tuned.